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The Quokka Protocol : immediacy in modern implantology

The Quokka Protocol : immediacy in modern implantology

SKU : 9782366150780
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This book is a review of clinical experience based on the analysis of over two hundred documented cases of single, multiple and complete edentulous teeth. The approach presented in this book is based on a standardized methodology guided by research and the application of clinical protocols validated by the scientific literature. This approach was developed in the authors' previous book, entitled "L'implantologie supra crestale", which focused on a paroconscious implantology that takes into account the periodontal environment and the need to reconstruct it to ensure the durability of implant treatments.

The current book addresses the issue of patients' expectations in terms of shorter treatment times and optimal physical and psychological comfort during treatment. The evolution of implantology since the 1980s has often been influenced by patient demands, such as the development of treatments for single-tooth edentulism in aesthetic areas, immediate implants and immediate loading in the 1990s and 2000s. However, immediacy in implantology raises questions as to its compatibility with esthetic and durable results. Clinical protocols still need to be developed, and scientific evidence confirmed, to fully integrate immediacy into treatment options.

The authors stress the need to abandon transitional removable prostheses, which are easy for practitioners to perform but often destabilizing for patients. They ask whether it is possible to offer immediate implants and immediate loading on a daily basis, while standardizing results.

This book therefore offers an in-depth reflection on the balance between patients' expectations in terms of speed and comfort, and the need to follow rigorous clinical protocols to achieve esthetic and durable results in implantology.

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