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Treatment of endodontic infections

Treatment of endodontic infections

SKU : 9781786981127
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Apical periodontitis is one of the most common inflammatory diseases that affect humans and is caused by microbial infection of the dental root canal system. A thorough understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of apical periodontitis is essential for high-quality endodontic practice based on a solid scientific foundation. The first section of this book deals with microbiologic and pathophysiologic aspects of the different manifestations of apical periodontitis, while the second section describes the best evidence for predictable treatment and prevention of the disease. Clinical techniques and protocols to treat endodontic infections are described in detail. This new edition boasts a team of renowned authorities in the field who contribute state-of-the-art evidence about the biology and practice of the endodontic treatment of teeth with infected root canals. The content is supplemented with numerous full-color illustrations and radiographs. This book is a definitive guide for those involved with the prevention and treatment of endodontic infections.

Section 1. – The infection
Chapter 01. Endodontic infections and the etiology of apical periodontitis – an overview
Chapter 02. The invaders: bacterial biofilm communities and pathogenicity
Chapter 03. The defense: host-pathogen interactions and immune response
Chapter 04. The disease: clinical manifestations and pathophysiology of apical periodontitis
Chapter 05. Primary endodontic infections
Chapter 06. Persistent/secondary endodontic infections
Chapter 07. Causes of endodontic treatment failure
Chapter 08. Causes of post-treatment pain in Endodontics
Chapter 09. Systemic implications of endodontic infections

Section 2. – The treatment
Chapter 10. Preventing endodontic infections
Chapter 11. Controlling endodontic infections – an overview
Chapter 12. Chemomechanical preparation
Chapter 13. Mechanical aspects of irrigation determined by fluid dynamics in relation to disinfection of the root canal system
Chapter 14. Supplementary disinfection of the root canal system
Chapter 15. Root canal obturation
Chapter 16. Nonconventional and emerging antimicrobials for root canal disinfection
Chapter 17. Management of post-treatment apical periodontitis: non-surgical retreatment and periradicular surgery
Chapter 18. Endodontic emergencies of infectious origin
Chapter 19. Systemic antibiotics in endodontics
Chapter 20. Outcomes of endodontic therapy

Hacer Aksel • Adham A. Azim • Sebastian Bürklein • Gilberto Debelian • Ashraf F. Fouad • Kishor Gulabivala • Michael Hülsmann • Anil Kishen • Hélio P. Lopes • Jenifer Martín-González • Yuan-Ling Ng • Xenos Petridis • Domenico Ricucci • Isabela N. Rôças • Edgar Schäfer • Juan José Segura-Egea • José F. Siqueira, Jr • Luc van der Sluis

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